

Tips & Tricks

# Manual user enumeration
# Step 1 : check for existing user
# 403 --> User exist
# 404 --> User doesn't exist

# Then you can get username


# Not Drupal specific but can work too (Wordpress, SilverStripe, Joomla, Moodle, Drupal)
droopescan --help
droopescan scan --help
# Target Identification
droopescan scan drupal -u example.org
droopescan scan drupal -U list_of_urls.txt

# You can also ommit the drupal argument, so it will trigger the cms identification
droopescan scan -u example.org
droopescan scan -U list_of_urls.txt
# Scan types
# By default, most of the time, 4 threads
droopescan scan drupal -u example.org --number xxx --threads xxx

# By default, all tests are done, but you can specify some manually
# - p : plugin checks
# - t : theme checks
# - v : version checks (files checksums)
# - i : interesting urls checks
droopescan scan drupal -u example.org --enumerate <type>
# Getting stats and capabilities for the scanner
droopescan stats


# Scanner and complete tool for Drupal 6 and 8
$ drupwn -h

       / __ \_______  ______ _      ______
      / / / / ___/ / / / __ \ | /| / / __ \
     / /_/ / /  / /_/ / /_/ / |/ |/ / / / /
    /_____/_/   \__,_/ .___/|__/|__/_/ /_/

usage: drupwn [-h] [--users] [--nodes] [--modules] [--dfiles] [--themes]
              [--version VERSION] [--cookies COOKIES] [--thread THREAD]
              [--range RANGE] [--ua UA] [--bauth BAUTH] [--delay DELAY]
              [--log] [--proxy PROXY | --proxies PROXIES]
              mode target

Drupwn aims to automate drupal information gathering.

positional arguments:
  mode               enum|exploit
  target             hostname to scan

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --users            user enumaration
  --nodes            node enumeration
  --modules          module enumeration
  --dfiles           default files enumeration
  --themes           theme enumeration
  --version VERSION  Drupal version
  --cookies COOKIES  cookies
  --thread THREAD    threads number
  --range RANGE      enumeration range
  --ua UA            User Agent
  --bauth BAUTH      Basic authentication
  --delay DELAY      request delay
  --log              file logging
  --proxy PROXY      [http|https|socks]://host:port
  --proxies PROXIES  Proxies file

Online tools

#  Attempt to detect version of Drupal Core
# Find Plugins in HTML response
# Identify theme in use
# List client side JS in page
# List iframes in page
# Test for directory indexing enabled on key locations
# Check Google Safe Browse for reputation
# Get IP information and Geolocation