rate-limit # Control the total number of request to send per seconds
bulk-size # Control the number of hosts to process in parallel for each template
c # Control the number of templates to process in parallel
Template exclusion
# Nuclei supports multiple ways to exclude templates for the execution, as default nuclei excludes two type of templates.# Template from ignore list# Templates with dos tags# Exclude templates
nuclei -l urls.txt -t cves/ -exclude cves/2020/CVE-2020-XXXX.yaml
nuclei -l urls.txt -t nuclei-templates/ -exclude exposed-panels/ -exclude technologies
# Exclude tags
nuclei -l urls.txt -t cves/ -etags xss
nuclei -l urls.txt -t cves/ -etags sqli,rce
# Example# Headers to include with each request.
- 'X-BugBounty-Hacker: h1/geekboy'
- 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64)'# Templates with tags to run
tags: rce,lfi
# Templates with tags to exclude
exclude-tags: info
# Templates to scan
- cves/
- vulnerabilities/
- misconfiguration/
# Templates to exclude scan
- vulnerabilities/xxx
- misconfiguration/xxxx
# Send random User-agent for each scan
random-agent: false# Rate limit configuration for scan
rate-limit: 500
bulk-size: 50
concurrency: 50
# Exposes metrics on localhost:9092/metrics when flag is used
nuclei -t cves/ -l urls.txt -metrics
curl -s localhost:9092/metrics | jq .
{"duration": "0:00:03",
"errors": "2",
"hosts": "1",
"matched": "0",
"percent": "99",
"requests": "350",
"rps": "132",
"startedAt": "2021-03-27T18:02:18.886745+05:30",
"templates": "256",
"total": "352"}