# Fuzzing Wordlists
# Fuzzing and Content Discovery
# Fuzz non-printable characters in any user input# Could result in regex bypass, account takeover...
0x00, 0x2F, 0x3A, 0x40, 0x5B, 0x60, 0x7B, 0xFF
%00, %2F, %3A, %40, %5B, %60, %7B, %FF
Scrapping from JS
# You can parse and scrape javascript content in a target website to look for hidden subdomains or interesting paths# Often, endpoints are not public but users can still interact with them# Tools like dirscraper automates this (https://github.com/Cillian-Collins/dirscraper)# Classic
python discraper.py -u <url>
# Output mode
python discraper.py -u <url> -o <output>
# Silent mode (you won't see result in term)
python discraper.py -u <url> -s -o <output>
# Relative URL Extractor is another good tool to scrape from JS files (https://github.com/jobertabma/relative-url-extractor)
ruby extract.rb https://hackerone.com/some-file.js
# Extract all API endpoints from AngularJS & Angular javascript files
curl -s URL | grep -Po "(\/)((?:[a-zA-Z\-_\:\.0-9\{\}]+))(\/)*((?:[a-zA-Z\-_\:\.0-9\{\}]+))(\/)((?:[a-zA-Z\-_\/\:\.0-9\{\}]+))"| sort -u
# https://github.com/incogbyte/jsearch# simple script that grep infos from javascript files
python3 jsearch.py -u https://google.com -n google
# Based on LinkFinder# Using regular expression to searhc for data like API keys, tokens...
python3 SecretFinder.py -i https://example.com/1.js -o results.html
python3 SecretFinder.py -i https://example.com/1.js -o cli
python3 SecretFinder.py -i https://example.com/ -e
python3 SecretFinder.py -i https://example.com/ -e -g 'jquery;bootstrap;api.google.com'
# subjs fetches javascript files from a list of URLS or subdomains.
$ cat urls.txt | subjs
$ subjs -i urls.txt
$ cat hosts.txt | gau | subjs
Broken Links
# Check for broken links and domain takeover# For twitter, TwitterBFTD is great
$ blc -rof --filter-level 3 https://example.com/
$ blc -rfoi --exclude linkedin.com --exclude youtube.com --filter-level 3 https://example.com/
# getallurls (gau) fetches known URLs from AlienVault's Open Threat Exchange,# the Wayback Machine, and Common Crawl for any given domain# It can be used to map and discover new targets (endpoints, domains, subdomains...)
$ printf example.com | gau
$ cat domains.txt | gau
$ gau example.com