# Get components running on the website
joomscan --url --random-agent --enumerate-components
# You can also check
# If you find components, you can often access the configuration file# JCE component → /components/com_jce/jce.xml# Check for vulnerabilities affecting components# Joomlavs is also a good scanning tool
Reverse Shell
# You must first log as admin# Then you must activate the PHP extension in settings
System → Component → Media → “php” in legal extensions and nothing in ignored extension
# If it's not enough and the manager is detecting malicious PHP upload, you can still edit templates# For example, the /index.php on the “protostar" template
→ Use reverse shell from pentestmonkey
→ http://pentestmonkey.net/tools/web-shells/php-reverse-shell
# On old versions, the control panel and features are different, but you can use templates# First go into templates parameters and activate preview# Then, on one template it is possible to edit code# Then it is possible to add shell (weevely for example)
# Exploit against Joomla! <= 2.5.2# Admin account creation# Some online exploits exists but it possible to exploit it manually# First, fill the registration form using 2 differents passwords# Intercept the request and add the following parameter : &jform[groups][]=7 (jform%5Bgroups%5D%5B%5D=7)# Forward the request → Fail because of different passwords# Now just retry to fill, using 2 valid passwords, without intercept# The parameter will be cached and the account will be created as admin !