API Endpoints wordlist
# For web applications, you can use nikto to identify potential vulnerabilities# Not very stealth# Think about changing the default user agent !
nitko -h http://monsite.com -o output.xml -Format [csv, xml, html, txt]
# Whatweb is another scanning tool for web applications
$ whatweb -h
$ whatweb -l # Liste les plugins
$ whatweb www.monsite.com
$ whatweb www.monsite.com -v
$ whatweb www.monsite.com -a 1# Stealhty
$ whatweb www.monsite.com -a 3# Plus aggressif et plus de test faits
# ChopChop is a new tool used to scan/test different endpoints.# Its goal is to scan several endpoints and identify exposition of services/files/folders through the webroot.# Easiest usage
$ ./gochopchop scan --url https://foobar.com
# List plugins
$ ./gochopchop plugins
$ ./gochopchop plugins --severity High
# URL list
$ ./gochopchop scan --url-file url_file.txt
Wordpress - wpscan
# Scan Wordpress - version docker disponible
$ wpscan -h
# Scan non intrusif
$ wpscan --url http://monsite.com
# Enumeration
wpscan.rb --url www.example.com --enumerate # Tout
wpscan.rb --url www.example.com --enumerate p # Plugins
wpscan.rb --url www.example.com --enumerate u # Users# Scan bruteforce les user énumérés avec une wordlist
$ wpscan.rb --url www.example.com --wordlist darkc0de.lst --threads 50