# Performs automated OSINT on a domain / email / username / IP and find out relevant information from different sources.# Easy to contribute OSINT Framework.# Code for Banner, Main and Output function. Datasploit automagically do rest of the things for you.# Useful for Pen-testers, Bug Bounty Hunters, Cyber Investigators, Product companies, Security Engineers, etc.# Collaborate the results, show them in a consolidated manner.# Tries to find out credentials, api-keys, tokens, subdomains, domain history, legacy portals, usernames, dumped accounts, etc. related to the target.# Can be used as library, automated scripts or standalone scripts.# Can generate lists which can be feeded to active scan tools.# Generates HTML, along with text files.# If “module” error in the venv
→ python -m pip install pip==9.0.3
# API keys needed in the config.py file# shodan_api, censysio_id, censysio_secret, zoomeyeuser, zoomeyepass, clearbit_apikey# emailhunter, fullcontact, google_cse_key, google_cse_cx, github_travis_key.
# Datasploit allows you to perform OSINT on domain name, email, username or phone number# Script nomemclature
→ All scripts meant to perform OSINT on domains start with keyword “domain_”. Similair thing for other OSINT types
→ Scripts with an underscore are standalone scripts and collects data of one specific kind
→ Scripts without an underscore are the ones used for automated collection of data using standalone scripts. Eg. domainOsint.py
# As long as punkspider does not exist anymore, you can disable the module to avoid crash
→ ENABLED= False in /domain/domain_checkpunkspider.py
# Help
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Provide Input
Provide Input
-a, --active Run Active Scan attacks
-q, --quiet Run scans in automated manner accepting default
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Provide Destination Directory
# Usage
python datasploit.py -i domain.com -a/-q
python domainOsint.py -d example.com
python domain_subdomains.py example.com