# Snapchat Live Map can be good and funny source
# Learn to use Overpass API
# 360° pictures database
# Compare maps by time# Many historical maps
# Word Postal Codes
Google Maps Alternatives
# Other maps services
# Search for specific country
# Sentinel Hub can be good# Not always very clear, but easier to go back in time
# ZoomEarth provides really great images and features such as estimation and live pictures
# 3D rendering for cities all over the world# Pretty good and practical tool, can be used with building height
Aerial Imagery
# Aerial Imagery Research
# Aerial pictures of building and monuments
# 5 free tools for viewing past aerial imagery
# Collaborative platform for searching, sharing and viewing aerial images
Realtime Movement (MISC)
Instant StreetView
# Car embedded cameras tracks
# Mappillary is also a great service providing tons of images from transports# (Cars, Train, etc)# Can be usefull to identify locations where there is no roads (ex : trains)
# Trains map about French lines# Real times trains
# Cab Ride Videos from Rail Transport Vehicles
# Sun position over time
# Shadow calculator for GEOINT
# Get weather somewhere at a given time
# Online radars
# Search for flights, aicrafts...
# Uncensored community for gathering informations about flights# Data can be harder to use but usefull if civil are trying to hide data
# Informations about aircrafts
# Ownership or others informations
# National Registers
# Tool to define areas for airports or other stuff
# Specific websites# Private Jet Owners Register
# World leaders aircrafts informations
# Twitter bot used to detect aircrafts movement used in dictatorial countries
# Military Aircrafts
OSINT on the Ocean
# Realtime maritime traffic# You can also get infos about a specific ship# Trip timeline
# Getting informations about crews# Open jobs and current employees# Seafarers --> People looking for jobs
# Similar to the first one# Sometimes more precise informations
# Shodan can also be used to track communication systems pushing notifications on the Internet# For example : Org: Inmarsat# Dedicated to war ships
# Searching for Vessel or Companies
Photo identification
# Find photos taken by the same camera using serial number# We don't know how files are processed/stored..
Open Streep Map and Overpass Turbo
# WIP - Will probably make a dedicated page when I'll get more content# Learning
# Wiki
# All available features
# Blogposts explaining queries
# Overpass turbo query - Pedestrian bridge within 100m of Railways[out:json][bbox:{{bbox}}][timeout:800];
// determine set of electrified railways
[railway=rail];)->.railways; // put them into the set"railways"
// determine set of pedestrian bridges
[highway=footway][bridge=yes];)->.pedbridge; // put them into the set"pedbridge"
// determine set of pedbridges near railways
rel.pedbridge(around.railways:100);)->.pedbridgerailway; // put them into the set"pedbridgerailway"
// determine pedestrian bridges near railways
// return node, ways, relations as determined above
out geom meta;
# Another example [out:json][timeout:800];
// Get all mills in current bounding box (Netherlands)( way[“generator:source”=”wind”]({{bbox}});
relation[“generator:source”=”wind”]({{bbox}});)->.mills; // store in variable ‘mills’
// Get all highways in current bounding box and store them in the variable motorways
// get all canals near windmills (500m) in current bbox
// get mills in 100m distance for all identified relevant motorways
( node.mills(around.motorways:250);
// get mills in 500 distance for all identified relevant canals
// get mills in 500 distance of canals and motorways
( node.matchingmills(around.canals:500);
// return results, mills and motorways
out geom;
Tips & Trick for GeoINT
# GREAT resource about tips from Geoguessr
# Second GREAT resource about many countries
# Geoguessr is a good tool/game to practice GEOINT skills# These tips can also be applied to a given picture to geolocate and identify# Indoor geolocation# You can use plugs
# You can crop/blur superficial details on image to enhance reverse image detection
# Identify Plants through image
# DJI provides an interesting view map (like Gmaps)# Sensitive geo points are not blurred and viewable
# 3 views realtime map (streetview, satellite, maps)
# GeoIntLocalisator# Simple scrapping tool in Python 3 using selenium to find quickly the distance between two unknown generic locations (supermarket, store...)
# Peakvisor is an app that can be used to get information about mountains# It can help as it can be more precize than Google Earth
Image Quality
# Poor Image Quality# Street View poor images often comes from USA or Australia# Mainly from remote location and outback areas# Caused by outdated camera
Sun and dishes
# The sun# If the sun is clearly in the Northern hemisphere, then you are probably in the Southern one# Shadows can help too. If they're pointing to south --> Southern hemisphere# If sun is overhead, you can be between the Tropic of Capricorn and Tropic of Cancer.# Satellite Dishes# If a satellite dish points south then you are likely in the Northern Hemisphere and vice versa# Upward == Equator# Sun Shadow calculator
# Several methods for gathering intel using the sun
# You can combine it with timeanddate
# Driving Side# As a general rule, countries of British origin (not Canada) drive on the left# Island countries too (not the Philippines or Iceland)# Others often drive on the right side of the road# Miles vs Km# Only USA, UK, Liberia and Myanmar (Birmanie) use Miles# Speed limit# The USA has signs saying ‘SPEED LIMIT’ and Canada has signs saying ‘MAXIMUM’
# Yellow centre line == North America to the base of South America (Chile is an exception, using yellow lines)# Faded Yellow line normally indicated Mexico or a southern country# South Africa also has yellow centre lines sometimes as does Japan# Yellow side line and white center == South Africa, Botswana, Eswatini and Lesotho
# Dashed white lines on the edges == Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Sweden# Norway tend to have yellow center lines# Sweden tend to have white center lines# Finland often has centre yellow lines and centre white dashed line# Double dashed center == Greece# Russia has a road line that is thinner than other countries road lines# Exceptions# Parts of France occasionally pop up with dashed white lines# Another exception is the Dutch islands south west of Rotterdam that are connected to the Netherlands via road bridges.# This area mainly has dashed white lines on the sides of their roads.
# European roads tend to be fairly narrow# Contrasting the wide roads of the USA and Canada.# Although roads in Turkey are often wide with many lanes.
# Guardrails# Russia and Ukraine == black and white coloured stripes painted# Other European == Simply silver
Highway Number Signs
# USA# USA County Highways# Smallest ones. # County Highway signs typically have the word “county” on them# These highway signs appear on the map as bland rectangular shapes# Texas Farm Roads# Equivalent as County Highways but for Texas # USA State Highways# These types of highways traverse a solitary state# Virtually each state has its own unique state highway sign with a few exceptions: # Iowa, Mississippi, Delaware and New Jersey share the same# On map highway numbers appear as quasi round white shapes# United States Highways# These highways cross more than one state# The signs appear as a white shield with a black number and black outline to the shield# Odd numbers == South-North# Even numbers == East-West# USA - Interstates# These freeways run across the country.# Signs are conspicuously blue and red and explicitly state ‘Interstate’# Odd numbers == South-North# Even numbers == East-West
# Canadian Highways# Brazilian Highways# Mexican Highways# Russian Federal Highways# Great Britain Highways# Spanish Roads# Japanese Highways
Warning Signs
# Diamond shape == North and South America, Australia, New Zeland, Ireland, Japan, South-East Asia# Triangular with red outline and yello colouring# Greece, Finland, Sweden, Iceland, North Macedonia, South Korea,
# Evaluate the expensiveness of houses# Red house or several ones# Probably in Nordic country (Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland or Denmark)# USA# Colonial style houses litter the north-east# Ranch style houses often appear in the southern USA states# California bungalows# Conch houses are found in Florida
License Plates
# Most of Europe have long ones with a blue vertical stripe on the left# Mostly white# Some yellow plates# The Netherlands and Luxembourg have yellow front/rear# UK, Cyprus and Gibraltar have yellow rear and white front# France had yellow ones allowed before 2007# Only commercials vehicles in Hungary and Denmark have yellow plates# Yellow stripe on the left == Probably Portugal# Blue stripe on both sides == Probably Italy# Red letters on white == Probably Belgium# Vertical red stripes on the left == Isle of Man# No stripe on left/right == Iceland, Liechtenstein, Russia or Switzerland# Nice way to detect Russia from another cyrillic country# Ukraine can have blue and yellow on the left# Before 2016, Crotian ones where fully white (now, blue stripe)# Letters system
# Canada
# Russia has some codes for each zone
# Other countries# Indonesia, Malaysia and Macau == Black plates# Philippines == White and green# Laos == Yellow# Bhutan == Fully red# Kyrgyzstan == Red vertical stripe on the left# Japan == Often yellow# Israel == yellow with blue left stripe# Tunisia == Mostly black (sometime red left stripe on the black)# Ghana == Many yellow plates# Senegal == Blue# Colombia == Yellow# Brazilian == Often red
# Resources about searching for French license plates
# License Plates of the World
# Search for known vehicles or license plates
# You don't usually need to understand words to know the language/country# ASIA# Japanese# It uses many simple curved strokes that make up their characters such as ノ, シ, い and く# Korean# Usage of circles for instance 요 and 안.# Korean looks quite blocky and rigid in its writing# Chinese# This language is spoken in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and China# Chinese characters tend to be made up of more strokes than Japanese. For example, 麼 and 名# Hebrew# This language is spoken in Israel# Many of the letters looks like lower case ‘n’ with an extra line added sometimes# Arabic# Similarity to calligraphy and many of the words having a line underneath them# Thaï# Abundant usage of small circles on the ends of most Thai symbols# Cambodian# Small hooks on the top of almost every Cambodian symbol# These hooks point to the right# Indonesian# Common usage of the letter ‘a’ within words# The Indonesian language is also recognisable thanks to the suffixes ‘kan’, ‘an’ or ‘i’# Appearing frequently at the end of many words# Lao# Distinguish it from Thai by looking for curved letters# The Lao written language has virtually every part of every character curved
# South America# Portuguese# Only spoken in Brazil (and Portugal)# contains the ã character# Ç is also a symbol that appears in Portuguese but not Spanish# Spanish# Spanish doesn’t use the previously mentioned ã
# Europe
# German --> includes ä, ü and ö# Italian --> ì and à as well as ‘gg’ and ‘cc’. Most words end with a vowel in Italian.# Dutch --> abundance of z and w letters as well as the letter e appearing together as ‘ee’# and i and j appearing together as ‘ij.’# Greek --> letters alpha, beta, gamma, delta etc. α, β, γ, δ.# Swedish --> å, ä and ö# Finnish --> ä and a plethora of double letters such as aa and ii# Danish --> contains æ, å and ø# Norwegian --> contains æ, ö and å# Latvian --> contains many letters with different accents above or below them# ļ, ķ, ņ with the line below the letter and ā”, ē, ī, ō, ū, ž# Polish --> The letter z is often paired with other letters such as: rz, sz and cz.# Other curious letters used in Polish include: ó, ł, ż, ś, ȩ and ń# Lithuanian --> Essentially this e with a dot above it is only found in Lithuanian.# The language also contains: š, ž, ū and č
# Cyrillic# One good way is to spot a specific letter not used in others variants# Russian / Ukrainian# Look for the letter “ï” or “i” as this letter only occurs in Ukrainian, not in Russia
Regional Differences
# Europe# Birch trees in Norway/Sweden/Finland --> Mostly north# The rocky hills/mountains of Norway tend to be found in the south of this country. # The rest of the Nordic region: Denmark, Finland and the rest of Sweden is void of mountains# Scotland and Ireland have many low rock walls# Another thing to look : road reflection posts (black and white often)# White posts with yellow reflectors --> Denmark# Yellow posts with white reflectors --> Iceland# Posts with a light-greyish stripe surrounding them --> France# White ‘poles’ with a red stripe --> Poland# Posts with a red vertical stripe and black cap --> Serbia / Hungary# Orange vertical stripe within the black section --> Lithuania# Blue pedestrian signs --> Almost only used in Europe
# Another common sight in Europe is olive trees# Olive trees appear across the entire country of Portugal# In Southern and Central Spain, Southern and Central Italy# Coastal parts of Greece and many islands in the Mediterranean# Sign framing town name with a red line ? Europe convention# If you spot a phone number in France (often listed on businesses)# The area around Paris has a 01 prefix# The north-west corner has 02# The north-east corner has 03# The south east corner has 04# The south-west corner has 05
# Australia# Trees in Western Australia tend to be lower and with a bushier foliage# The trees in the eastern states are normally higher and more sprawling# Another aspect to consider is the colour of the dirt.# If the soil has a more reddish colour then you are more likely to be # In Western Australia as opposed to an eastern state.
# Africa# In South Africa people are fairly security conscious# often houses will have high walls around them, sometime with spikes.# South Africa has the Afrikaans language that resembles Dutch appearing on some signs.# Botswana’s main roads are in excellent condition, looking almost brand new.# South Africa, Botswana, Eswatini and Lesotho tend to have simultaneous yellow edge road lines and white road centre lines for their major roads.
# Asia# Red taxis --> Hong Kong# Japan, South Korea and Taiwan have yellow and black stickers on their utility poles.# UAE --> Wide and quality roads# "PT" on a business sign --> Indonesia.# "Sdn Bhd" on signs --> Malaysia# Differenciate Malaysia and Indonesia --> Chinese caracters often appears in Malaysia# If you see Muslims wearing headwear in Philippines --> Probably Mindanao# There are an abundance of English words in the Philippines# Many Filipino roads are composed of large concrete rectangular blocks# Turkey has red and white coloured road arrows that are fairly unique to their country # (the Philippines and Argentina have them too).# See the ‘ş’ letter appearing on signs, then you are in Turkey
# South America# Large satellite dishes in South America are typically Brazilian# The list of Brazilian area codes for phone numbers can be useful as many businesses and signs contain these.
# The petrol/gas stations in Argentina are often run by the company known as ‘YPF’.# They have a blue sign with white lettering
Telegram groups based on location
# On Telegram, you can search nearby contacts, using current geolocation# In the contacts settings# It is posible to use it for investigation# By using Android emulators and faking GPS position
# Creepy is a tool that performs geolocalization through social network inputs# Written in Python, you get a GUI# It uses modules for social networks# You need to first configurate your plugins (using API key for example)# Then you can start a new person project# You choose your plugins, let the soft searches and then add targets to the global search# Once done, you can start searching (often several minutes)# Then you will get locations on the world map for data found# Possible to export results
# virtualenv ?# apt-get remove --purge creepy# apt-get autoremove# pip install -U pytz python-qt flickrapi python-instagram yapsy tweepy google-api-python-client python-dateutil configobj dominate
# Build interactive map of cameras, printers, tweets and photos.# The script creates a map of cameras, printers, tweets and photos based on your coordinates. # Everything is clearly presented in form of interactive map with icons and popups.# You can find what interaction on social media have been made in a specific place# All is anonymised for the moment, no username...
python kamerka.py --lat 37.235 --lon 115.811111 --dark --twitter --camera --printer